Wiltshire Wildlife

Mar 25, 2020

Response to the Corona outbreak

Dear Members

We hope you are keeping well and coping with the difficult times we are all sharing.

The Wiltshire Wildlife Community Energy board thought it might be helpful to provide some reassurance that our community solar farms are continuing to generate electricity from the sun and our asset managers and service & maintenance contractors are continuing near-normal operations.

We are also continuing with our land management policies. Though we humans have limited movement, the brown hair streak butterflies, great crested newts, rabbit, sheep and other creatures continue to have access and movement wherever they want. Spring is springing and wild flowers are appearing all around and under our solar panels.

We have asked the Community Fund Group if they are able to support our communities in any ways that will help those facing hardship due to the Corona virus outbreak. We have heard, for example, that Ferry Farm Community Solar in West Sussex made an emergency award to their local school last Friday to enable them to sign up to a digital library so the children could continue accessing books that they might need or enjoy. Other community energy enterprises are supporting their local food banks. Now is a time for us to all work together. If you know of anything the Community Fund can help with please let us know.

We hope that you all are well and keep well and we will keep you updated.

Lesley Bennett

Chairman – on behalf of the Wiltshire Wildlife Community Energy board